SECOND MEETING The second meeting took place within the IAVCEI General Assembly 2004 (November 14-19, 2004; Pucon, Chile) and mainly focused on: 1) issues and improvements of datasets used for model calibration (mainly focusing on the 5 datasets gathered after the first meeting); 2) protocol for comparisons between field and computed data; 3) protocol for data collection relevant to tephra-fall modeling; 4) support by extramural funding for the development of a useable hazard analysis tool that can be widely distributed (e.g. Geological Survey of Canada and the Multinational Andean Project). Conclusion of the meeting was that we have to focus on the collection of more “quality” data associated with large eruptions is needed (e.g. Pinatubo 1991, Mt Spurr 1992) and on the compilation of a tephra-sampling protocol in order to guarantee the quality of data. |