Determination of volumes of tephra deposits Erupted volume and erupted mass are amongst the most important model input parameters and also the most difficult to derive from field data. In fact, volume (and mass) estimation strongly depends on the technique used, on the deposit exposure and on data distribution and density. Most erupted volumes derived from field data should be considered to be minimum values unless the data sets extend hundreds of kilometers away from the vent (the higher the plume the larger the deposit to investigate). A review of several used methods can be found in Froggatt (1982), whereas the most recent techniques is summarized below. In addition, recent applications of inversion techniques applied to analytical models have shown very promising results (Connor and Connor 2006).
Determination of erupted volume based on the exponential thinning of tephra deposits
This approach
was firstly introduced by Pyle (1989) adopting the preliminary observation of
Thorarinsson (1954) that both thickness and grainsize of tephra deposits mostly
follow an exponential decay with distance from the vent. As a result, the
logarithm of tephra thickness can be easily described by straight lines (i.e.
exponential segments) when plotted against distance from vent or square root of
isopach area
where To is the maximum thickness of the deposit and k defines the rate of thinning of the deposit (i.e. slope of the associated exponential segment). Assuming that isopachs have an elliptical shape, the erupted volume is:
Fierstein and Nathenson (1992) and Bonadonna and Houghton (2005) developed this method further, mainly to account for abrupt changes in the rate of thinning of some tephra deposits:
where Tn0, -kn and Sn are the intercept, slope and break-in-slope of the line segment n. Their approach to estimating volume by defining several exponential segments (i.e. different values of k from proximal to distal portions of the deposit) is consistent with the observations of well-preserved tephra deposits (e.g. Hildreth and Drake 1992; Scasso et al. 1994) and with the results of some analytical models (Bonadonna et al. 1998; Bursik et al. 1992b; Sparks et al. 1992). The approach of Pyle (1989) was also modified to estimate erupted volumes in cases when only one proximal isopach line can be defined based on the available data (Legros 2000) and when most distal data are missing (Sulpizio 2005). The first technique is derived from the empirical investigation of 74 tephra deposits and gives estimated minimum volumes of the same order of magnitude as only the first two segments on semi-log plots of thickness vs square root of the area were available:
where Ax (m2) is the area enclosed within the isopach line with thickness Tx (m). In contrast, Sulpizio (2005) presents three different techniques for the determination of distal volume based on the extrapolation of the distribution of proximal deposits to distal areas (up to thickness >1cm). In particular, he suggests (i) the compilation of distal isopachs in case of sparse distal data assuming same elliptical shape (same eccentricity) and same dispersal axis of proximal isopachs, (ii) the empirical determination of a break-in-slope between proximal and distal data in case only one isopach line is available, and (iii) the empirical calculation of distal thinning when only proximal data area available. These three techniques give good agreement with field data for the 20-30 deposits used in his case study. Finally, Mannen (2006) suggests an analytical method to derive the total erupted mass of relatively small eruptions by adopting the model of Bursik et al. (1992b) and integrating two exponential segments determined from isopleth maps (as cumulation of erupted mass of individual particle sizes).
Determination of erupted volume based on the power-law thinning of tephra deposits Based on the results of analytical investigations (Bonadonna et al. 1998) and on the observations of well-preserved deposits that show how tephra-deposit thinning can be either described by 4 exponential segments or by a power-law fit on a semi-log plot of thickness vs. square root of isopach areas, Bonadonna and Houghton (2005) suggest deriving the total erupted volume by integrating the power-law best fit of field data. In particular, the power-law best fit can be described as:
where Cpl and m are the power-law coefficient and exponent respectively. The associated volume can be calculated as:
which in a dimensionless form becomes as:
Caveats of volume determination using the exponential and power-law techniques
Sensitivity analysis of volume
calculations have shown that integration of less than 3 exponential segments can
underestimate the volume when distal data are missing (Bonadonna and Houghton
2005). As an example, the integration of only two exponential segments described
by data within 10km from the vent of the 1996 Ruapehu eruption resulted in an
underestimation of half of the actual deposit. Such an underestimation does not
affect the classification of the eruption in terms of VEI, but is significant
when simulating tephra dispersal and compiling hazard assessments. In contrast,
the power-law fit is a good approximation to well-preserved deposits and is
consistent with theoretical models, but it is also problematic because
integration limits have to be chosen. In particular, the volume of tephra
deposits characterized by limited dispersal (m>2) is very sensitive to
the choice of