Follow-up of 4th MEETING
1) The report of the 2006 Ecuador workshop on the determination of the maximum clast and all associated data are now online. Peer reviewed publication of the report is work in progress
2) The online Commission dataset was improved with the addition of the following dataset: Mt Spurr 1992 (Alaska), Etna 2001 (Italy), Mt St Helens 1980 (USA), Ruapehu 1996 (New Zealand) Users are warmly encouraged to acknowledge the data provider (indicated in the database) and the Tephra Hazard Modeling Commission when using these data
3) A new software is being developed at the University of Geneva to download the Reanalysis wind data extrapolated above volcanic vent from the NOAA webpage in the format of altitude, wind direction, wind speed
4) A database for thresholds of hazardous tephra accumulation is being done in collaboration with the Ash Impact Working Group.
5) Collaboration and consistency between sampling protocols has been further discussed and elaborated on during the Ash Impact Workshop at COV 2010, Tenerife, Spain.
6) Preliminary comparison of the outputs of different sedimentation models using the same initial conditions (i.e. same eruption parameters) has been carried out by the Instituto Nazionale di Geoficica e Vulcanologia (Italy) using the following models: TEPHRA, HAZMAP, FALL3D, PUFF and VOLCALPUFF; and scenarios: Etna 2001 and 2002 (Scollo et al. 2009 and web-site of INGV) |