Please read carefully
The cost of the registration fee is 200 EUR (€) and includes coffee breaks, lunches and the social dinner.
The cost of the field excursion is 80 EUR (€) (optional).
The registration requires two steps:
- first, fill out the registration form (below);
- then make the payment of registration fee and field excursion (optional), through bank transfer to:
AIV - Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia
Banca Prossima, Filiale 05000
Address: Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10, 20121 Milano
IBAN: IT09J0335901600100000146928
Please insert also the purpose of the payment: "Subscription to WMO Meeting, INGV-Catania October 2018".
Note: registration is not complete until the email confirming the payment has been received.
The Registration deadline is Monday 17 September.