Associate members

This project will enforce the actual level of cooperation between public institutions and private companies developed during the previous projects and those currently active.


International partners


At international level, the following institutions will be involved in the project as collaborators strongly interested to Ash-RESILIENCE activities:


Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), Iceland, is involved as an expert agency participating to international monitoring and research activities on active volcanoes, with past and current collaborations with different researchers (Dr. Sara Barsotti);

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain, is involved through research projects aimed to develop new codes and improve the already existing for simulating dispersal of volcanic plumes in atmosphere and tephra fallout on the ground (Dr. Arnau Folch);

University of Munich, in Germany, coordinated the project VERTIGO: Volcanic ash: FiEld, expeRimenTal and numerIcal investiGations of prOcesses during its lifecycle, Initial Training Network (ITN) funded under the FP7 Framework “FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN”, 2013-2017. The INGV was a full partner of VERTIGO (Dr. Ulrich Küppers);

University of Geneva, Switzerland, in the framework of Ash-RESILIENCE, will collaborate to improve the knowledge of dynamics of explosive eruptions and risk mitigation, reinforcing the already existing collaborations (Prof. Costanza Bonadonna and Dr. Laura Pioli);

Institute of Hazard, Risk & Resilience at University of Durham, UK, will be involved due to international expertise and rule in the several areas of volcanic health hazard research, as coordinator of International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN), and involvement in other similar project like HIVE and Hawaii VOG (Dr. Claire Horwell);

Arizona State University, USA, will be involved for studying physics of volcanic eruptions and developing and using numerical models (Prof. Amanda Clarke);

School of Earth Sciences of the University of Bristol, UK, will collaborate on studies focussed on the dynamics of explosive eruptions and numerical modelling, reinforcing already existing collaborations (Dr. Jeremy Phillips);

University of Oxford, UK, will be involved for improving and developing new method for satellite retrieval of volcanic ash and gases (Dr. Elisa Carboni).


National partners


Other public entities and agencies will be involved in the project in the framework of already existing agreements, relationships, and collaborations. In particular:


• The National Civil Defence (Dipartimento di Protezione Civile, DPC) will collaborate to define protocols and strategies for mitigating the impact of ash fallout in the metropolitan areas;

• The Regional (Sicily and Campania) Civil Defence offices will be involved in the previous activity given their precious knowledge of the specific problems related to local areas;

• The National Aeronautical Authorities (ENAC, AM, ENAV, VAAC Toulouse, MeteoFrance) will benefit of the new results gained by Ash-RESILIENCE in the monitoring and study of ash clouds in terms of improved safety conditions for operations of airports and air-space during eruptive crises;

• The Metropolitan Councils of Catania and Naples can help us to implement as best possible the dissemination on the best practises and the effects from tephra fallout by using the ICT developed within the project;

Prof. Roberto Sulpizio (University of Bari) will collaborate on the problem of quantification, dispersal, and impact of fine ash emitted from explosive eruptions of Etna and Neapolitan volcanoes;

Prof. Raffaello Cioni (University of Firenze) will collaborate for the assessment of the physical parameters related to the fragmentation processes and tephra deposits of paroxysmal eruption.

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