WP1 – Observations
Responsibles: Mauro Coltelli (WP Coordinator, WP1.1), Luca Merucci (WP1.2), Jacopo Taddeucci (WP1.3)
Main goals: upgrading the existing infrastructure for monitoring the dispersion of volcanic ash clouds produced by explosive eruptions of Etna, and acquiring data from the monitoring infrastructure of volcanic ash clouds of Etna.
Since 2006, INGV has developed a monitoring and forecasting system of volcanic ash clouds produced by Etna explosive eruptions. The current infrastructure has been fully operational since October 2009, but the recent eruptions from 2011 to 2015 and the new advancements of the research have highlighted the need of a strengthening in science and technology. This enhancement will be done through the expansion of fully integrated radar and lidar observations, and the development of data retrieved from satellite platforms to include information from new satellites and algorithms for integration of satellite and ground-based observations. Furthermore, during the project there will be carried out new field measurements of the volcanic plume by radio-sonde and drone, together with field observations of eruptive activity via high-speed imaging, Doppler radar, and geophysical sensors. Finally, new laboratory analyses and experiments will contribute to characterise the physical-chemical properties of erupted products (volcanic ash and not only).