Responsibles: Placido Montalto - Salvatore Mangiagli (WP Coordinators), Marco Aliotta (WP4.1), Salvatore Mangiagli (WP4.2), Gilda Currenti (WP4.3), Luigi Lodato (WP4.4)
Main goals: developing ICT tools for the data mining and sharing best practices for the management of emergencies caused by fallout and remobilization of volcanic ash in urban and metropolitan areas.
The development of dedicated Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could enhance procedures for managing volcanic emergencies, e.g. to alert citizens living in metropolitan areas about imminent hazards. In Ash- RESILIENCE, integrated and intelligent services based on ICT technologies for acquisition, management and sharing of data will be developed, for the first time at Etna and then at the Neapolitan volcanoes, specifically for the aims of the project. ICT tools will allow a better management of the crisis in case of explosive eruptions impacting the metropolitan areas of Catania and Naples and will assist in the decision-making processes during tephra fallout in urban areas. Technological infrastructure, such as data storage and High Performance Computing (HPC) technology for data processing and dissemination, will be supplied to other WPs. Recommendations, best practices, and, in general, technologic tools to manage impact of tephra (and particularly ash) fallout during explosive eruptions at Etna will be provided, and the developed tools adapted and used with the two volcanoes located in the area of Naples (Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei). Finally, a novel communication system based on web technologies and mobile apps will be implemented in order to improve the communication flow between INGV and citizens (e.g. alerting citizens living in metropolitan areas about the potential imminent hazards) and vice versa (e.g. involving common people as real time or near real time observers and collectors of environmental data).